Salvia ‘Love and Wishes’ (‘Serendip6’PBR)


A tender to borderline hardy, upright, branching, woody-based perennial, with small, aromatic mid- to deep green leaves. From June to October, open racemes of magenta flowers, each held by a dark burgundy calyx are borne.

Grow in light, moderately fertile, humus-rich, moist but well-drained soil in full sun or light dappled shade. It will reach a height of 80cm and a spread of 40cm.

Supplied size

1 x Plant in 9cm Container

12 in stock

SKU: 0000000003973 Category:


Salvia ‘Love and Wishes’ (‘Serendip6’PBR)

A tender to borderline hardy, upright, branching, woody-based perennial, with small, aromatic mid- to deep green leaves. From June to October, open racemes of magenta flowers, each held by a dark burgundy calyx are borne.

Grow in light, moderately fertile, humus-rich, moist but well-drained soil in full sun or light dappled shade. It will reach a height of 80cm and a spread of 40cm.

Supplied size

1 x Plant in 9cm Container

Additional information


1 x Plant in 9cm Container, 1 x Plant in 2 Litre Container